(<- click there) is covered on its own separate Lashing Skills page,
where you will find information, instructions, and illustrations for the construction of useful campsite items using sticks and twine.
These skills, along with cooking and first aid, will come in handy
during camping events, and at many other times throughout your life.
Many of the illustrations on these tabs were taken from the
1984 edition of the book
"Outdoor Education in Girl Scouting", published by the Girl
Scouts of the U.S.A. Although that edition seems to be out of
print and unavailable, a more recent edition is available
from the Girl Scouts of the USA Online Shopping Mall,
and used copies are available inexpensively from This
excellent book covers these topics with greater depth and detail,
including hints and exercises.
One of the easiest compasses with which to learn basic orienteering
skills is
the Silva compass. Important parts to
learn about this compass are:
orienting arrow,
the compass needle (often red and black, but
red and white),
the rotating compass housing,
and the direction of travel arrow.
The markings are typically separated by 2°.
The red portion of the compass needle always points to the
earth’s magnetic north. A compass measures a 360°
radius, with north (N) being 0°, east (E) being 90°,
south (S) at 180°, and west (W) at 270°.
Following directions using a Silva compass OK, so lets say you want to
travel NE for 100 yards. Here is what you
would do.
Turn the housing until 45°is lined up
with the
direction of travel.
With the compass flat and pointing
straight out from your
body (using your navel is a good practice), turn
your body until the
red compass needle is directly over the orienting arrow. You can now
walk 100 yards (knowing the length of your pace would be very useful
Be sure the red compass needle is
pointing north
and is aligned with the orienting arrow. Beginners often make the
mistake of lining up the red arrow with the south direction.
Identifying the direction of an object using a
Silva compass
OK, say you are creating an orienteering map, or need to know what
direction something is.
Face the object you want to know the direction of.
Point the direction of travel arrow to the object.
Turn the housing around until the red portion of the
needle and orienting arrow are aligned.
Read the number lined up with the direction of travel
arrow – this is the direction of the object.
Some helpful hints
Any metal object on your clothing can alter the
reading of
your compass (belt buckles, metal buttons, etc…).
When sighting with your compass, look for an object
in the
distance on the line of sight and walk toward it, occasionally checking
your compass direction. Don’t walk looking at your compass
– you will not walk in a straight line.
If there is an object in your way, take several steps
the side, continue forward pacing until you are beyond the object, and
then take the same number of side steps back to your original position,
rechecking your direction. Now continue counting your paces forward.
Practice by placing tent stakes randomly in a large
Create cards that have three-degree listings – each
120° apart (60°, 180°, 300°). Beginning
at a stake, walk 20 feet between each listing, reorienting after each
one. You should return to the stake you started from. Don’t
cheat! – This practice hones your compass skills.
Learn the length of your pace. A 2-foot
step is
ideal, but be natural and
be able to adjust. [A "pace" is two steps, and the length of your
pace is the distance covered in two steps. See
"Pace" on the Estimating tab.]
There is a special type of pacing called Scout’s Pace:
this is where you walk a certain number of paces (say 20), and then jog
the same number. It is a very useful way to cover long
without getting overly tired.
Basic Elements
The three basic elements for a fire are fuel, flame (or intense heat),
and air (oxygen). To build a wood fire, different sizes of
wood -- tinder, kindling, and fuel -- should be
assembled to allow for air circulation.
any small
piece of material that burns as soon as it is touched with flame; wood
shavings are a good example.
Kindling: larger
in diameter than tinder; must be thin enough to catch fire quickly
before tinder burns out, but large enough to ignite the larger fuel.
Fuel: the larger
wood that keeps fire going.
Fire starters are highly
flammable materials that ignite at the touch of a match:
carton -- waxed sawdust, lint, or wood
trench candles -- rolled newspaper, tie with
string, dip in wax
Building the Fire
Choose a spot with no
overhanging tree limbs, rotting stumps, logs, grass, or leaves; clear
the ground to bare earth or rock in a 3 foot circle.
Always have a large bucket
of water with a stick sitting in it near the fire.
Tie back long hair, tuck in
hood strings, roll up loose sleeves, check for tied and tucked in
shoelaces, do not wear clothing with dangling ends while building or
tending a fire.
Plan a fire just big enough
to do the job so fuel will not be wasted.
Fire structure:
Make a small triangle, with three pieces of
a 4-sided log cabin continuing
to build up in layers;
make a free-standing
Leave a space between the 2nd and 3rd layers of
the triangle or log cabin; or leave one wide space between 2 upright
pieces of the teepee. This space is where to light
the fire with your match.
Place a handful of tinder in the center of your
Strike the match close to the wood and
close to the space left in the structure. Insert the lighted
match into the space provided and light the tinder.
Shield the tinder so it gets just the right amount of breeze to
ignite the structure and burn upwards.
For the camping fire-building event, build the structure below a
string 8" above the ground. Flames must burn through a string 20"
above the ground. Putting Out a Fire
Let a roaring fire die down then stir the remaining structure and ashes
apart with the stick that has been sitting in the water bucket and hand
sprinkle with water---do not pour the bucket of water on the
fire. Repeat until when a hand is passed over the fire circle
several inches above no warmth from wood pieces or ash is felt anywhere
in the fire circle.
Trail signs or trail markers are used to mark the direction of a path
others are to follow. To be effective, they must be immediately
recognizable and easy to see. These
signs and blazes can be
made from sticks and/or twigs, stones, grass
stalks, cloth
strips, or
painted blazes of a single color.
Go to the Left.
to the
Meanings of Trail Blazes:
The most common symbols
used in trail blazing.
Rectangles are generally 2 x 6 inches.
Along with the privilege of having a knife comes the responsibility of
using it properly to ensure the safety of users, other campers, and the
Knife Safety Circle
A knife is a tool, not a toy.
Always establish a safety circle when using a knife.
Place the closed knife in your hand and then extend your arm. Move your arm around you. If another person is within reach, move to a new location and try again to establish a safety circle.
A jackknife is a knife with a folding blade that will be used often for
a wide variety of tasks: cutting a rope, scraping a carrot,
trimming a branch, or whittling wood to make tinder.
Jackknives sometimes have more than one blade or tool. For
safety, only one tool or blade should be opened at a time.
Some tips for using the jackknife are:
Hold the handle securely with the whole hand
Always cut away from the body
Move at least an arm’s length away from
anyone else before using a knife---ring of safety
Keep the knife closed when not in use
Do not walk around with an open knife
Keep the knife away from extreme cold or heat
Opening the Jackknife
Hold the jackknife firmly with the fingers of one hand. Hold
the top edge (slot) of the blade with your thumb and
forefinger. Keep your fingers away from the sharp cutting
edge of the blade. Pull the blade all the way out until it
clicks into its open position.
Whittling Wood Tinder
Hold the handle of the jackknife firmly. Do
not put your thumb on the blade.
Cut away from the body
Cut slowly so the knife won’t slip
Cut the stick at an angle shaving off little pieces
of wood
Closing the Jackknife
Hold the handle of the jackknife in one hand with the sharp cutting
side of the blade upward. Hold the dull non-cutting side of
the blade in the other hand. Push the blade up and around
toward the slot in the handle.
A basic knowledge of how to tie a few knots is an essential outdoor
skill. All knots have a free or working end and a standing or
stationary end. To practice knot tying, you will need a 3
foot length of rope. Cotton clothes-line rope works very
well. You should secure the ends by binding it with string or
Square knot – One of the
easiest of basic knots, the square knot is useful in joining two
ropes of the same thickness together, may help in tying a bandage or
sling, is handy in tying items to your belt or backpack, and can be
used to tie a bandana around your neck.
Start by tying an overhand knot (like you would begin
tying your shoes).
The rope that is on top stays on top and makes the
second part of the knot by tying another overhand knot.
Pull the ends tightly to finish and secure the knot.
Click on control to play demonstration.
Clove Hitch – This knot is
used to secure a rope to a post or tree. It is very handy in
creating a dunk line or clothes line between two trees; and when
at each end, it will not slip.
Begin by passing the short end of your rope behind a
tree or post.
Bring the short end around to the front of the tree
and form an “X”, with the short end being on top
and becoming the ‘working’ end. Hold this
‘X’ with your thumb and fingers.
Pass the short end around the tree again, wrapping it
below the first pass. Your fingers will show you where the
rope will go next.
Push the working rope end under the
‘X’ and pull the ends tight. Your knot
should look like an X.
You may now fasten the long (or standing) end to an
opposite tree or post for a strong dunk or clothes line.
To remove this knot, pull on the X.
Click on control to play demonstration.
Bowline – This knot makes
a loop that will not alter in size. It can be used as a
safety line for lifesaving or may be useful for hanging items in your
campsite. Note: the standing end of the rope is
usually attached to something before this knot is made. Often
called the land of sixes or the rabbit in the hole.
Begin by forming a 6 with the working end of the rope
(the bowl of the 6 becomes your small loop). Remember, when
you write a six on paper, the pencil mark goes over the down
stroke. The same happens here – pass the working
end over the standing end creating a small loop.
The working end then passes from the bottom of this
loop up toward the standing end. This larger loop size is
based on how you will use your bowline.
Pass the working end behind and around the standing
end, re-entering the small loop from the top.
Pinch the two pieces of rope that have passed into
the loop with one hand while holding the standing end with the other
hand. Pull apart with both hands to tighten the knot.
Click on control to play demonstration.
Taut-Line Hitch Reversed (3wraps)
– This knot is used to create a loop that adjusts, or
‘slips’. It is useful for shelter or tent
Create a loop with the
working end of your rope, crossing over the standing end.
Wrap the working end
completely around the standing end for total of two passes.
You will end up with your working rope emerging from the loop.
Pass the working end over the
bottom part
of its original loop.
Pass the working end under the
end and tuck it back into itself, forming a third wrap in the opposite
direction outside the original loop.
You will end up with a total
of threewraps with
both ends
on the same side of the original loop.
The knot will
slip back and forth.
To release this knot, just
pull the slipping part out.
Your day of hiking may begin with clear skies and an excellent weather
forecast, but hiking in the woods can often bring the
unexpected. Even with the best planning, there may come a
time you will need to create your own emergency shelter. In
the mountains, you may need to shelter from wind, rain or
snow. In the desert, you may need to shelter from sun and/or
wind. With this in mind, you should always have a poncho or
small ground sheet and some rope or twine in your backpack.
Having these items readily available may help you create an appropriate
shelter. If you use a walking stick, this can be an added
bonus in an emergency.
Determining what shelter works best in each situation requires some
thought and skill.
Rain Shelter
The easiest and fastest shelter would be to find a fallen tree or
overhanging rock that can be used as a natural barrier to rain and
wind. By wrapping yourself in your poncho or tarp you could
stay reasonably dry through a short downpour.
But what if there was no natural barrier or the
rain and
wind required
more protection? You can make a temporary shelter
fairly quickly using your poncho or tarp, your walking stick or tree
branches, and rocks that would shelter several people.
remember to check for wind direction, sloping in case of water
and when possible, use bracken or grass for a dry
If your ground sheet is large enough, you can
wrap it to
cover the
An open-ended shelter gives little protection
when it is
windy. A
shelter staked to the ground with one opening (away from the wind and
rain direction) will keep you dry and warm.
Ground duff (leaves and de-composting material)
piled on top of your
staked tarp edge works well to keep moisture from seeping under your
Sun Shelter
A shelter from the sun can be more open sided
than one
protecting you
from wind and rain. The
object with this shelter is to
get out of the sun to protect you from dehydration and
If there were little or no wind, you would want
large opening to help air circulation. If it is also windy,
you may have to adjust your shelter to accommodate for this factor.
Regardless of which type of shelter the weather requires, because you
are prepared you can create a structure to protect you from the
elements until you can continue on your hike. In either case,
always consider the following:
Pick a safe place for your
shelter, away from obstacles, potential for falling rocks or tree
limbs, and animal dens/nests.
Do not place your shelter in
a dry watercourse. The potential for flooding in a rain storm
is always high.
While sunlight will supply
warmth (not wanted in a desert situation!), open areas are more
vulnerable to wind.
Open-ended and large
shelters do not retain heat. Determining how your shelter is
to be used is very important. Smaller, closed shelters are
better in rain and wind, while an open sided structure would be better
in heat.
Your body can be used for measurement in the woods if you know key
facts. Knowing your own, or a fellow scout’s,
height can help you determine the height
of an object. Knowing your pace
can help you determine how
long it will take you to cover a known distance or would be
useful on an orienteering course. Knowing which of
finger joints is 1 inch can help you locate a stick that
thickness. And, the width of your hand span or arm reach can
help in determining an object’s length or
circumference. Knowing how to count elapsed seconds is
helpful in guessing how much time
has gone by. Think how useful this would be if you needed to
cook an egg and didn’t have a watch!
This chart can help record useful body
Personal Measurements
Person #1
Person #2
Person #3
Person #4
Arm span: fingertip to fingertip
Length of right foot
Hand spread: with hand spread out, thumb tip to
last finger tip
Find a 1 inch finger joint
Pace: (measure # of steps in 50 ft.)
To figure out body measurements, you will need a measuring tape and a
This is
the distance you cover in 2 steps.
Mark off a pace line by placing a stake into the
ground at each end of
a measured distance (example: 50 feet); or by drawing chalk
marks at 2 foot intervals for the length of a measured distance
(example: make a mark every 2 feet for 50 feet).
Walk from one end of the pace line to the other in
your normal
stride. You should be walking naturally, not elongating your
steps or shortening them. Count the number of paces
taken. (Pick either your right or left foot and count each
time you put down that same foot.)
Repeat 2 more times.
Add together the number of paces taken each time and divide by 3 to get
the average number of paces taken in the measured distance.
Now you know your pace
What is the length of your foot? Which joint in a finger
measures 1 inch? What is your arm
span from fingertip to
fingertip? What is your hand span from thumb to little finger
with the fingers spread out?
Do you have a practiced method for determining when a certain amount of
time has gone by? Is it tapping your foot, swaying
side-to-side, counting 1,000 - 1; 1,000 - 2?
Knowing what works for you ahead of time comes in handy in many
If you know your own height or the height of a fellow camper, you can
easily determine the height of another object (say a tree).
Have a person whose height is known stand against that object, and then
holding a pencil with your arm outstretched, close one eye and look at
your friend. Using your thumb, mark where your friend reaches
on the pencil. Now see how many times you need to stack that
height to reach the top of the tree. You then multiply their
height times how many times you stacked your thumb. This will
be the approximate height of the object.
By practicing ahead of time, you can become fairly proficient at
determining something’s weight. Start by lifting
something whose weight is known – say a 1-pound bag of
rice. Repeat this with both hands until you feel comfortable
holding something that weighs 1 pound. Now pick up something
else whose weight you don’t know (have someone put an item in
a bag so you can’t see the weight). Is it heavier
or lighter? Keep testing yourself with known and unknown
weights until you feel comfortable you can tell the difference between
the weights of different objects.
A box oven can be used to cook anything you might cook in your oven at
home. It‘s a great way to expand your cooking options when camping
using simple materials and cooking techniques.
Simple Box Oven Construction
A cardboard box (cardboard files box is a good size – approximately
16 in. x 12 in. x 10 in. ht.)
Large roll of heavy duty aluminum foil
Four small empty cans (soda or soup can size work well)
Two aluminum pans: one slightly larger than the other; the larger must
be smaller than the box in length and width by at least 1 inch in
all directions
Charcoal briquettes (amount depends on what you are cooking – see below)
Fire starter material
Small stone (no larger than 1 inch diameter)
Duct tape
Pot holders
Water bucket
a sheet of foil (shiny side up) that is slightly larger than the box
opening on the ground where you will be cooking. Anchor the corners
with small stones.
Light the charcoal:
While the charcoal is being lit and turning to ash,
build the box oven (see below) and
prepare the food you will be cooking (see below)
Place the fire starter material into the center of the smaller aluminum
pan. Pile charcoal (see *note
below) on top of the fire starter material leaving an opening to the
starter material for a match.
Light the fire starter material and that will in turn light the charcoal.
Let the charcoal burn until covered with ash (this should take
approximately 20 minutes).
once the box oven is constructed, it can be placed over the charcoal
with one edge of the box propped open on one or two of the cans to
speed up the coals.
Then spread out the charcoal to the edges of the pan creating a single
layer and you are ready to cook.
*note: each charcoal briquette will be approximately 40 degrees; 9
briquettes will create a 350 degrees oven temperature. Varying the
number of briquettes is how you can vary the oven temperature to fit
your recipe.
Construct the box oven:
Prepare your cardboard box by completely covering the inside of the box with
foil and extending foil up the outside of the box 4 inches. Secure
the foil to the outside of the box with the duct tape, making
sure no tape is on the inside of the box
(it will burn) and that the inside is completely covered with foil.
Food preparation:
While your charcoal is lighting, prepare whatever you have chosen to cook
in your box oven. This may be a prepared package of cake mix,
brownies, muffins, corn bread, etc., or your own culinary delight:
fruit cobbler, mini pizza, etc., but it should require cooking at the
temperature your briquettes will achieve. Put it into an appropriate
baking pan to be ready to place into oven.
Oven Assembly:
Put the coals pan in the center of the aluminum foil spread out on the
ground---be sure the pile of coals have been spread to edges of coals
pan to create one layer. Place the 4 empty cans around the edges of
your coals pan. Then put the larger aluminum pan on top of the cans
to act as a shelf on which to place your baking pan.
Place the box oven over the coals and item to be cooked.
Then prop one edge open using the small rock -- no higher than 1 inch.
This allows air to circulate keeping your charcoal burning because
fire requires oxygen to burn!. Time your baking based on your recipe
Try not to peek!
But if you must add charcoal or check your cooking process, have
everything ready to do it quickly. Having your oven open causes a
fast loss of critical heat for the cooking process.
Extinguish the coals:
Use the tongs to place coals into the water in the water bucket.
Leave the coals in the water for 10 minutes to be sure there is no
possibility of re-igniting.
Dispose of wet ashes in an appropriate manner.
When a person is injured or experiences a sudden illness someone should
help. Everyone should know what to do in an emergency -- whom
to call and how to give first aid until emergency medical help
Knowing what to do for wounds, bleeding, burns, shock, choking, broken
bones, sprains, fainting, poisons, extreme heat, and severe cold can
save someone’s life.
For basic first aid skills, the American Red Cross conducts
classes. Below you will find links to other resources.