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Daisy Petal Awards

These activities were assembled by Palo Alto volunteers and are retained here for historical reference. Unfortunately, because GSUSA and our GSNORCAL Council have now transitioned to the Journeys program materials, we are no longer able to provide any assistance in obtaining the badges/patches/insignia girls could earn in conjunction with them.

Daisys can earn patches for their tunic called Petals. There are many ways you can help your girls learn about the 10 Girl Scout Laws.

  • One way is to read a book that demonstrates the meaning of that law and them talk about it afterwards. To help with this Jessica Rothberg has created a list of children's picture books listed under the Girl Scout Law to which the book applies.

Daisy Flower - Daisy Center and Learning Petals

  • Daisy Blue Promise Center
      Learn the Girl Scout Promise
  • Green Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning ofUse resources wisely
  • Light Blue Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Honest and fair
  • Magenta Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Respect authority
  • Orange Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Responsible for what I say and do
  • Purple Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Respect myself and others
  • Red Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Courageous and strong
  • Rose Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Make the world a better place
  • Spring Green Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Considerate and caring
  • Violet Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Be a sister to every Girl Scout
  • Yellow Petal
      Demonstrate the meaning of Friendly and helpful

Other Daisy Patches

In addition to Petals, Daisy Girl Scouts can earn a bridging patch and several other program patches.

  • Connections
    1. *"Read the booklet, do some or all activities."

  • Girl Scouts Against Smoking
    1. *"Read the booklet, do some or all activities."

  • Girls Are Great
    1. *"Read the booklet, do some or all activities."

  • Honor the Past, Imagine the Future "
    1. *Through the Years of Girl Scouting
    2. *From Sidewalks to Skyscrapers - Communities Through Time
    3. *Opening the Treasure Chest of Americana
    4. *The Changing Role of Women

  • Media Know-How
    1. *"Read the booklet, do some or all activities."

  • Read to Lead
    1. *"Read the booklet, do some or all activities."


In addition to Petals, Daisy Girl Scouts can earn a bridging patch and several other program patches.

Bridging to Brownie Girl Scouts Award

  1. Invite some BGS to talk about Brownie Girl Scouting.
  2. Visit a Brownie Girl Scout Troop during a planning meeting.
  3. Have girls look through the BGS Handbook and Try-its for BGS book.
  4. Find out about three things that Brownie Girl Scouts do.
  5. Complete an activity in the Brownie Girl Scout Handbook.
  6. Ask a Brownie Girl Scout to tell about some of the things she does.
  7. Plan and carry out a service project with Brownie Girl Scouts.
  8. Go on a field trip with Brownie Girl Scouts.
  9. Visit BGS at one of their meetings and complete an activity with them.
  10. Work with your BGS sister troop to plan the bridging ceremony
  11. Have girls make up a song for the ceremony.
  12. Have girls prepare decorations for the ceremony.